What Blocks Your Worship?
And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13
In the book, The Air I Breathe, the author describes fans at a Michael Jackson concert stating,
"Some of the purest forms of worship are found outside the walls of the church...some fell to their knees, others with outstretched hands, ... with a look of total awe on their face. ...and you can see it when your favorite band plays, or your favorite team."
After considering his statement, I began to wonder why some believers hold back their worship during church services. One of the answers that I found is the inability to remain focused while in the presence of God. When there is corporate worship, there can be a lot going on around you. Babies cry. Adults walking. Friends reuniting with holy embrace.
It takes discipline to focus on that which cannot be seen. As we worship, we need to put down our flesh and tendencies to watch the shows around us. These sideshow distractions that keep us from seeking the Lord with all our heart. When we do so, our spirit man becomes alive and able to get into the secret place where the Lord dwells.
Other times we may not feel open to worship. This causes us to keep our fleshly guards up because of our concern to what people around us may think. Finally, some believe they will look weird or out of place because public worship is not something that they practice on a regular basis.
To become totally wrapped up in the warmth of God's love, we must allow Him in. The Word of God tells us that we are to "draw nigh to him." He is waiting for us with loving arms to seek His face and enjoy His presence.
Try this. The next time you find yourself in a corporate worship environment, simply close your eyes and become quiet before singing one verse of the song that is being played. Allow your spirit to listen for God's voice and to experience His presence. If you are distracted by sitting with your brothers and sisters in Christ, step out from among them and get as close to the altar as you can. Touch the throne of God and tell Him how much you love Him. This is a time especially set aside for you and your creator. It is a time for you to tell Him what He means to you, to give Him praise, and to honor Him for who He is in your life.
In His Service.
This week consider how you can make your worship time with God more special? What are the things that hinder you?
Pray this prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father,
I thank You for inviting me to draw near to you. I want to hear your voice and to know you more intimately. Help me to get rid of the hindrances that cause me to not be able to get into your presence. Show me the side of You that will remind my spirit to be in awe, reverance, and gratitude for who you are. I give you all the glory, honor, and attention that you deserve.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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