Monday, July 9, 2007

Are you experiencing a trial that simply will not go away? Do you find yourself going in circles, making the same mistakes, and expecting different results? As you tread the road to destiny be patient, remain strong, and keep a cheerful attitude. Why? You are only required to take life one day at a time. If you are anxious about the direction your life is going or starting to believe you have had all that you can bare then, my friend, this site is for you.

I Encourage You is a resource for women that highlights day-to-day challenges and provides insights that liberate from a biblical perspective. It speaks to the heart of women who want greater intimacy in marriage, to become the ultimate parent, and aim for success in owning a profitable business.

Over the years I have learned many lessons and chronicled testimonies of each victory. Most notable was the day when my spiritual blindfolds were removed. Clarity, hope, and truth broke forth like the dawn of a brand new day. The light of the Lord surrounded me and the seeds that I had planted over the years began to spring forth in harvest. I realized that no part of my life was separate from God and without Him I am nothing.

In the wake of the I Encourage You dialogue, I expect that, like mine, your bright day is just ahead of you. I encourage you to have faith that God is in control. It's that simple. This is what will take you through. Many twists and turns have threatened to take me out yet I have overcome them all. Through these victories I have noticed a resounding theme. My call is to inspire. My goal is to share truth. My hope is that whatever has you bound will be loosed from your life this very hour. Grace to you and peace be multiplied!

I Encourage You Now --
Give thanks!

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At August 1, 2008 at 7:20 PM , Blogger Phyllis Greene said...

It is no doubt that this is God's work and you are His chosen vessel. I look forward to being encouraged and reading the postings you share. You are a phenomenal woman Ms. Benita and your words, so beautifully written proves to ME that you are doing the will of our Father!! Be encouraged yourself and stay blessed! Phyllis Greene


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